The Ultimate Fail Compilation Video for 2012
The Ultimate Fail Compilation Video for 2012
The Ultimate Fail Compilation Video for 2012
People love watching videos of other people failing at something, whether it be failing at life or failing at the reason they were making the video in the first place, then post the outtake. We do because it makes us feel better about ourselves. It's the same reason we watch Mtv. To ring in 2013, let us look back at some of the best fail videos of 2012. Some doozies in here.
Best News Bloopers of 2012
Best News Bloopers of 2012
Best News Bloopers of 2012
One of my most favorite type of videos on YouTube are the ones of news bloopers. Ones where they're video-bombed from the background, ones where they say the wrong words, ones where they can't stop laughing - I love'em all. In case you missed any from 2012, here are the best news bloopers of 2012...