Hey y'all! LOL... no I don't really say that... truth is I am basically a Wyoming Girl, although I spent the first 9 years of my life in a very very small town in PA called Munson... or Pennsltucky as my husband likes to refer to it as. :) I don't consider that my home though... this is where I grew up. This is where I met my wonderful husband and this is where we made a beautiful family. I graduated from Kelly Walsh High School, then spent 3 years in the ARMY as a parachute rigger. I came back home to Casper because it's one of the most beautiful towns I've ever seen, filled with incredibly genuine people, and it's where I will always call home. I have 3 beautiful boys(4 if you count my hubby) & 2 labs (also male) so the testosterone level at my house is at an all time high. I enjoy spending time with my family doing just about anything! We spend a lot of time in the great outdoors of wonderful Wyoming, camping, hunting, fishing...you name it! One of my favorite things I love right now is watching my boys play sports. They are all active in anything from golf to wrestling to football and baseball, so that keeps me pretty busy, but I wouldn't want it any other way, that precious time will be gone far too soon! I am also a big fan of Country Music, and really all music in general. I grew up in a musical family, my Mom & Dad used to play in a band and I love to sing! You may catch me out at your favorite karaoke bar on occasion hamming it up! :D I enjoy the Casper Community and appreciate my listeners, you help make My Country 95.5 Casper's #1 Country Station!