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XXL Staff
Jay-Z’s Most Memorable Lines From His Speech for Dr. Dre Global Impact Award at 2024 Grammys
Hov made an impact at the Grammys.
Coolio Cause of Death Revealed
The results arrive six months after his death.
Tyga and Avril Lavigne Kiss, Confirm Dating at Paris Fashion Week Event
Confirmed with a kiss.
Ice Spice and Pete Davidson Dating?
Are Ice Spice and Pete Davidson a couple?
Video Appears to Confirm Drake Was Detained by Swedish Police
So, it actually happened?
Swae Lee Reveals He and Post Malone Have a Project Together
The two already have a diamond song together.
Drake and 21 Savage Collab Album Her Loss Delayed After Producer 40 Gets COVID During Mixing
A new date has been announced.
Drake Gets Roasted After Posting New Selfie
Drizzy getting torn apart in the quotes.
Eminem in His Own Words – His Place in Hip-Hop, Battle With Addiction and Praising J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar
Eminem celebrates XXL’s 25th anniversary with a look back at his illustrious career in his own words.