Central Wyoming's premiere fund raising event is Thankful Thursday at The Beacon Club in Mills, WY.

For many years now, meeting up on Thursday at the Beacon Club is on many peoples weekly schedule. An important part of Thankful Thursday is that fact that it's family friendly, meaning parents can bring their kids for dinner and a family night out. You can always expect to be out by 8:30pm

Since the beginning we've been able to raise over $2 million for area organizations and charities. With 100% of the proceeds going directly to the organization each week, it's comforting to everyone that participates in the evening, knows the money they spend to help is put to use right away.

If you're new to the Thankful Thursday weekly event, here's a quick rundown.

  • Arrive at 5pm and those 21+ receive a numbered wristband that will provide a cocktail and a chance to win a door price with the bottle draw
  • 50/50 tickets are sold through the evening, with 50% of the money going to the winning ticket and the other 50% going to our featured organization.
  • The 'Chuck The Duck' contest is loved by adults and kids alike. For $10 a duck, each contestant will have a chance to toss the rubber duck into the duck jug. If they can do it, they'll split the pot with the organization.
  • The live auction is the big money maker of the night, with items like firearms, gift baskets, bbq grills, tailgate packages, Wyoming themed items, date nights, food from area restaurants and many other packages. Many of the items are donated by area businesses to help benefit the Thankful Thursday organization of the week.

All in all every Thankful Thursday is special and a great way to continually give back to the community.

Thankful Thursday Schedule Spring 2023

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