It's been a while since a meat packing plant has opened anywhere in the country. Wheatland Wyoming is about to get one.

First American Farms, LLC CEO has purchased land for a "kosher packing plant" just outside of Wheatland.

The new facility will be located off U.S. Route 26 about four miles from Interstate 25.

It will take about 14th months to build the plant.

The entire facility will cover about 387,000 square feet.

They hope to process around 1,500 cattle per day to start. But as the new employees get up to speed they hope to eventually process 3,000 cattle per day.

Man eating steak in field with cow
Adrian Samson

Most of the meat will go to New York to serve their rather large Jewish population with kosher meats.

If you are wondering why they would want meat from all the way out in Wyoming to go mostly to New York, it's mostly because the company likes "high altitude meat." There is something better about it. (Wyoming Livestock Roundup).

New York Tribute
Blake Borg

King says although there’s not a large demand for kosher products in the West, there is high demand for kosher beef in the U.S. and the plant is necessary. (WLR).

The great news for Wyoming and Wheatland is that the plant hopes to employ approximately 400 people.

There was some controversy, at first, as some people in Wheatland did not want the plant located where any smell might drift with the prevailing winds into the town of Wheatland.

Folks from Wheatland called my morning radio show, Wake Up Wyoming, to complain about the proposed location of the plant.

Public discussion was held on the issue. It seems that some sort of resolution had been reached.

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