It’s only apropos that Zoolander 2, a film about beautiful people’s supernatural abilities to help market luxury goods, would have a razor-sharp ad campaign to match. The PR team for the long-awaited sequel to Ben Stiller‘s 2001 haute couture comedy toyed with the film’s title in jokes both clever (stylizing the title to mimic Chanel No...
Cult comedies that attempt to regroup for a sequel many years after the original film often have mixed success. You’ll probably find few people who like Anchorman 2 or Dumb and Dumber To as much as the originals. But, that hasn’t stopped Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson from returning for Zoolander 2 and, despite the odds, this actually looks really funny.
Are you a V-neck sort of guy? That was the question in last night’s Digital Short on ‘Saturday Night Live.’ Andy Samberg wasn’t sure if he was the type of guy who would wear a V-neck, but host Ben Stiller changed his mind.
Big weekend for movies - looks like this will be one lots of people are planning to see. If you've already seen it - post your own review in the comments!