
Gay Student's Photo Accepted
Gay Student's Photo Accepted
Gay Student's Photo Accepted
It appears a controversy over a yearbook photo of an openly gay student at Worland High School has been resolved. Eighteen-year-old Matt Jolley’s photo of the Senior holding a gay pride flag was initially rejected for publication in the yearbook, after school officials claimed it was “political...
Lady Gaga Attacked Again by PETA as Heartless, Meat Dress Is On Tour
Lady Gaga Attacked Again by PETA as Heartless, Meat Dress Is On Tour
Lady Gaga Attacked Again by PETA as Heartless, Meat Dress Is On Tour
Furgate was so August 2012, but the controversy is not dying down and has reared its head yet again. PETA, who attacked Lady Gaga for wearing fur, to which she responded vaguely without ever confirming or denying if her coats were made of authentic or synthetic pelts, is at it again, this time calling the Mother Monster heartless, saying that she needs someone to “buy her a heart.” They are pretty
Kesha’s Letter to Lady Gaga About Fur is Fake
Kesha’s Letter to Lady Gaga About Fur is Fake
Kesha’s Letter to Lady Gaga About Fur is Fake
Furgate continues, with fake fur and fake letters. After PETA pounced, actor Alan Cumming then criticized fashion queen Lady Gaga for wearing fur. Gaga then responded, sidestepping whether or not she wears actual skinned fur, all the while saying she respects animal rights crusaders, albeit ones who behave like adults. It appeared that fellow pop star Kesha, who is a noted animal rights activist,