We all know that Starbucks is always trying to up their coffee game, whether it be through a new unicorn frappuccino or some other crazy method. They may have just topped themselves this V-day.
Now that December is in full swing, all of us are gearing up for our annual office Christmas party. Usually, this is a time for celebration and a great time to get to know some of your co-workers on a more personal level. However, some of us have been known to embarrass ourselves in these social gatherings.
When it comes to Valentine's Day, the best way to have a perfect night is to have a nice dinner, get away from the kids, and relax with dessert. Now I'm not talking about chocolates and sweet tasting treats. I'm talking about the adult way of having desserts with some tasty alcohol beverages.
We feel good passing this kind of information along simply because of the over abundance of snooty scotch drinkers and whip cream, cotton candy, foo foo vodkas on the shelves as of late. Wyoming's most popular beer is Bud Light...and our most popular hard liquor is none other than Fireball.