Lazarus Benson has been making moves in Casper for a long time. A man of many talents, from magician to artist in many genres of music, Laz has long been a local favorite.
The staple of any good magician is the card trick. There are a myriad of different versions, but Laz prefers to get his audience involved in his feats.
Our very own master of mysticism, Lazarus Benson can not only make greenbacks disappear into thin air, but he has somehow managed to make them reappear in the darnedest of places.
Lazarus Benson has amazed us many times, but this week, he managed to find some people that had never heard of him or seen him perform before. They had know idea what they were in for!
Lazarus Benson, Casper's #1 magician supreme has done it again! Card tricks are always fun, especially when they're interactive, but adding a little flair, of fire in this case, makes this week's trick even better.
Lazarus Benson has wow-ed us with everything from cards tricks, street magic, predictions, body tricks and even levitation. For this week's episode, he combines the card trick with a prediction, while barely even handling the cards!
He may not be a doctor, but Lazarus Benson has proven he has attained the next level of magic skill by taking over the power of the brain. What does that mean exactly?
Lazarus Benson has impressed literally thousands with his brand of street magic, but this may have bee his ultimate test: Impressing his girlfriend's father!
Lazarus Benson has pulled off some pretty amazing feats over the course of his career. Some have been more difficult to pull off then others, but sometimes it's not the level of difficulty that makes a magic trick great... it's the "awe factor".