We all like to share our opinions and “likes” all over the internet, so the geniuses at Pinterest created a way for us to just clip, collect and post the things we see and love, and then share those seemingly interesting things with anyone who’s…well, interested.
We all like to share our opinions and “likes” all over the internet, so the geniuses at Pinterest created a way for us to just clip, collect and post the things we see and love, and then share them with the world.
Seems simple, right? Well, not really. There are a few things you need to know to make your Pinterest experience very pinteresting. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)
Over the past month or so, Pinterest has taken the internet by storm, with the pinboard-style photo sharing platform proving to be especially popular with women. So does that mean there is space in the cyberverse for a Pinterest-like site geared toward men?
Enter Manteresting, which is described as a place where men 1) get inspired by awesome content; 2) share manly things with the community; and