Casper's own A'Salt Creek Roller Girls wrap up their home season this Saturday against the Billings Roller Derby Dames at the Fairgrounds Industrial Building.
Casper's own A'Salt Creek Roller Girls wrap up their home season this Saturday against the Billings Roller Derby Dames at the Fairgrounds Industrial Building.
It’s an in-state battle to the finish – as the undefeated Cheyenne Capidolls come to town to take on Casper’s A’Salt Creek Roller Girls. It’s “Too Cruel For School”, Saturday August 20th at the Fairgrounds Industrial Building!
All of us here are HUGE fans of our local A'Salt Creek Roller Girls, who introduced us to the extremely cool sport of Roller Derby. It's a sport that has gone through lots of revolutions and revivals over the years. Modern day roller derby is an all-female, full-contact sport on quad skates - the brutality of rugby meets the grace of gymnastics. Want to test the waters and see if it's some