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A survey by mattressnextday ranks Wyoming residents as 35th in the nation among the 50 states for sleep quality.
You can read the survey here.
The survey ranked Wyoming as follows for various categories related to sleep quality:
Searches per Month for Sleep Hygiene Terms: 50th
Adults Sleeping Less than 7 Hours: 21st
Residents Doing Correct Exercise: 16th
Residents Not Engaging in Physical Exercis
Two-thirds of more than 1,700 people surveyed want the city’s recycling program to continue and expand, even if it costs a little more, the Casper City Council learned at a work session Tuesday.
Most council members tentatively agreed with the people and will formally consider the matter at future regular council meetings...
I know that I'm not the person who should be commenting on diets since I'm young and don't have a ton of weight issues, but I will say that I don't believe in diets because that implies that it's only for a limited amount of time and I think this study done from proves the theory I have.