The Onion is one of my favorite things about the internet. If you're not familiar, they are a satire site that writes stories that aren't true, but are hilarious. Wyoming has been the butt of their jokes many times. Here are 3 of my favorites.
Infamous satirical news site The Onion is up to it's usual tricks. The arrival and passing of the 2013 Oscars gave the jokesters plenty of ammunition to fire at celebrities. One shot in particular gave them more than they bargained for. After calling 9-year-old Best Actress nominee Quvenzhané Wallis the "c-word" in a tweet, The Onion wrote something seldom seen by Onion followers. A
The Onion is at it again. Taylor Swift seems to be a favorite target of the satirical newspaper. The Onion, Feb. 13th 2013, reported that Taylor Swift was mourning the death of her boyfriend Christopher Dorner. Is this inappropriate?
America's most popular satirical newspaper The Onion just recently released another eyebrow raising story. The Onion reported that recently single singer Taylor Swift in now dating mass murder suspect James Holmes. Is this inappropriate?
Amazingly, there are still people on the planet who are connected to the internet, but don’t know that The Onion is not a source for actual news. These dim bulbs and dull knives clearly don’t understand satire, and the fact that it is the basis of all Onion content.
This ignorance is still running so rampant that there is even a blog that posts the Facebook commentary of the slow ones who surf amo
Amidst a sea of fact- and opinion-based newspapers, parody publication The Onion has stood as a beacon of completely made-up journalism for 1,000 issues. The paper has never received a prize for its years of service, so naturally, an also made-up watchdog group called Americans for Fairness in Awarding Journalism Prizes has taken up the noble cause of pressuring the Pulitzer committee to bestow