
‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Will Debut Marvel’s Next Female Superhero
‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Will Debut Marvel’s Next Female Superhero
‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Will Debut Marvel’s Next Female Superhero
In the Norse mythological tradition, the term Ragnarök refers to a great series of cataclysmic events through which the slate of Earth may be struck completely, wiped clean, and started anew. It’s like a slightly more optimistic version of the apocalypse, wherein two survivors will begin again in a purer, kinder world. So when Marvel revealed that the third installment in Thor’s solo series of films would be titled Thor: Ragnarok, everyone knew what was up. This is not Thor: Day at the Beach or Thor: Light Picnic. In the parlance of “the streets,” it’s going down.
Who Can Wield Thor’s Hammer? [VIDEO]
Who Can Wield Thor’s Hammer? [VIDEO]
Who Can Wield Thor’s Hammer? [VIDEO]
If you haven't seen Avengers: Age of Ultron yet, this awesomely funny video may be lost on you (although if you have any knowledge of the character at all, you should still be able to get the gist).
The 10 Greatest Superhero Movie Villains of All-Time
The 10 Greatest Superhero Movie Villains of All-Time
The 10 Greatest Superhero Movie Villains of All-Time
Without a great adversary, what good is a superhero? Without someone to punch in the face, Batman would just be some rich schmuck driving around in a weird-looking tank. Without someone on the receiving end of his shield, Captain America would just hang out at the V.F.W. all day. So let’s celebrate the villains. Let’s bring on the bad guys and give them their moment in the sun. With Avengers: Age of Ultron introducing another memorable baddie in the form of James Spader’s titular metallic menace, let’s take some time to run down the 10 greatest superhero movie villains of all time.

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