It's been a little over a year since PlayStation released the much anticipated sequel, The Last of Us part II. Both the original (The Last of Us) and part 2, take place in Jackson, Wyoming.
I always wanted to be a cowboy when I was a kid. That's one of the many benefits of living in Wyoming. You can do that here. A new video game claims to let you see what that life is like in a virtual world.
In the last 2 weeks since the hottest cowboy game of 2018 has been out. I've found many things throughout the game that make me feel like I'm just wondering around Casper. Which of course, inspired me to put together a list.
The Active Shooter video game has officially been canceled after many an outraged cry from students, victims and family members of the Parkland School Shooting, but there is also a large portion of people speaking up in defense of the online first person shooter.
A Denver website did a funny story on a fake video game called "Colfax". The description is, "Dodging panhandlers, and skin infections has never been more fun. Collect cigarettes, dive bar tokens, and communicable diseases on this crack-tastic family game. We wonder if a video game could be called Interstate 80. You can picture it now: