The Wyoming Highway Patrol shared a video to their Facebook page on Tuesday showing a semi careening wildly out of control and narrowly missing a deputy who was pulled off to the side of the road.
Like Rocky, she wasn't in it for the money or the glory. Like the Titans, she just wanted people to remember. Like Scarface, she just wanted to say hello to her friends. And, like Dorothy, there is no place like home. For Odetta Bredenberg, Videos to Go is home.
The sun was shining, the music was blaring, and the community turned out in droves for the Casper Police Department's first-ever Downtown Block Party, held Wednesday evening in front of the Hall of Justice in Casper.
Alyssa Lattimer believed in herself and, through her song, she taught others to believe in themselves too. And, most importantly, she taught them to never, ever, stop believing.