Charles Bramesco

Paramount Prepping ‘Coming to America’ Sequel With ‘Black-ish’ Showrunner
Kenya Barris will write, and Eddie Murphy‘s expected to reprise his starring role.

Would You Pay $50 to Watch ‘Batman vs. Superman’ at Home on Opening Night?
Leaving your house, driving to the nearest movie theater (or, if you want to find a film other than a wide-release studio picture, driving what could be very far away), dropping $13 on a ticket, spending $8 more on a soda and popcorn, watching fifteen minutes of commercials and trailers, and staring daggers at jagwagons using their cell phones in the theater is cool...

Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League’ Begins Shooting in April
Like single-cell organisms slowly complexifying and dragging themselves out of the primordial soup that was early Earth, details on the hotly-anticipated upcoming Justice League movie have begun to collect. Some specifics of the film were self-evidently obvious from the start — there will be a league, they will spread justice, the usual cast of characters including Batman (Ben Affleck), Superman (Henry Cavill), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), and Aquaman (Jason Momoa) will appear — and some were revealed right out the gate, such as that the Justice League project will screen in two separate parts, both of which will be directed by Zack Snyder. Now, Warner Bros. has set progress on their hopeful Avengers competitor in motion. An exclusive over at Entertainment Weekly breathlessly relates that Justice League will commence principal photography on April 11.

Sylvester Stallone Says ‘Creed’ Will Be His Final Appearance as Rocky
So, stop us if you‘ve heard this one before: it’s now 2016, yet another Rocky picture has dealt the box-office a swift uppercut, and Stallone is done, seriously, you’ll see, he means it now.

Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson Pose as Living Mannequins to Promote ‘Zoolander 2’
It’s only apropos that Zoolander 2, a film about beautiful people’s supernatural abilities to help market luxury goods, would have a razor-sharp ad campaign to match. The PR team for the long-awaited sequel to Ben Stiller‘s 2001 haute couture comedy toyed with the film’s title in jokes both clever (stylizing the title to mimic Chanel No...

‘Mission: Impossible’ Breakout Star Rebecca Ferguson to Lead Sci-Fi Film ‘Life’
The root cause behind the relative longevity of the Mission: Impossible franchise is how each installment adds new delights to the familiar formula. Ethan Hunt and the IMF do pretty much the same thing in each of the five films in the series — recon, planning, Tom Cruise runs somewhere, sex scene, Tom Cruise drives a car off a cliff, Tom Cruise runs somewhere else except now he’s shirtless, you ge

Guy Ritchie and Charlie Hunnam’s King Arthur Movie Pushed to March 2017
This week has been awash with release date switch-ups, the most major being Lucasfilm’s decision to move Star Wars: Episode VIII from a May release date to another Christmas-hugging slot closer to the date that brought The Force Awakens such staggering success. This move is expected to trigger a chain reaction of moves for big-name releases, with films strategically avoiding competitive weekends. Today brings news of another delay, though its placement appears unrelated to the Star Wars postponement.

Jennifer Lawrence Is Going Deep Undercover to Play Fidel Castro’s Lover in ‘Marita’
Academy Award-winning actress and chronic over-faller Jennifer Lawrence has played her fair share of femmes fatale, even at her relatively green age of 25. There was Ree Dolly, the hardscrabble femme from Winter’s Bone who proved decidedly fatal to the unfortunate squirrels she hunted and skinned with her bare hands...

Channing Tatum, ‘Furious 7’ Declared Everyone’s Favorites at 2016 People’s Choice Awards
If the Oscars are like the electoral college, selecting the cream of the crop through an arcane and confusing process available only to an older, white, male elite population, then that makes the People’s Choice Awards the popular vote...

Check Out James Gunn’s Awesome ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Coffee Table
The director, a regularly active user of social media platforms Twitter and Facebook, took to the web last night to show off one his one-of-a-kind interior decor. Specifically, he posted a couple photos of his coffee table, a custom-made piece designed to look just like the Awesome Mix cassette tape so cherished by Chris Pratt’s Peter Quill, a.k.a. Star-Lord, in Guardians of the Galaxy.

No ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Post-Credits Scene, Says J.J. Abrams
Q: What is the best part about getting a thing of fast-food french fries? A: Believing you have finished your cheat-day treat, only to discover that there are still a few stragglers with a pulse left in the bottom of the bag. This phenomenon might illuminate a bit of the logic behind the recent proliferation of post- and mid-credits scenes in studio blockbusters, the practice in which a film squir