Cool, wet weather over the weekend helped crews gain containment over the Badger Creek Fire, which is now estimated at 20,090 acres and is now 85 percent contained.

There are more than 452 personnel currently assigned to the fire. Lake Hattie reopened to boaters on Sunday, June 17. It was temporarily closed to boating, while two super scoopers provided support to firefighters in containing the fire. They were then made available for other fire on the afternoon of June 16.

Approximately two inches of rain fell on the Badger Creek Fire on Saturday. About a half inch fell on Sunday, helping in the fire suppression efforts.

A public meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 19 at 7 p.m. at the Albany County Fairgrounds.

Due to the increase in containment, WYO 10 between Woods Landing and the Colorado state line has reopened. The communities of Mountain Home, Fox Park, and Foxborough, and those along Wyoming Highway 10 from Woods Landing south to the Colorado state line - including Woods Landing, New Jelm, and Jelm- are no longer under evacuation.

Residents of the Mountain Home community should be aware that power to the community may not be restored until Monday night. Residents of Fox Park and Foxborough will only be able to access their community from Albany, as Wyoming Highway 230 remains closed at this time.

Evacuation orders remain in place for the communities of Wold Tract, Wyocolo, Gramm, Beehive, and Miller Lake at this time.

Rocky Mountain Incident Management Team Black said that though the operational tempo has shifted because of the weather, this is still a full suppression fire. That means crews implementing strategies and tactics where firefighters can be successful at the lowest risk to accomplish the goals of minimizing impacts to structures, private property, infrastructure, and natural and cultural resources.

Medicine Bow National Forest  - Laramie Ranger District and the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forest – Canyon lakes Ranger District are under an emergency closure.

Updates on the fire can be found at InciWeb and the Badger Creek Fire Facebook Page.


Badger Creek Fire - June 2018

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