“Dagny” A Quirky Converted School Bus Is Ready To Be Your New Home
Last year we shared the story of three girls who bonded over a cheating boyfriend and got their revenge by converting a school bus into a mobile home. They then hit the road together and began to live their best lives traveling America, which included spending some time in Wyoming.
In the last few years, skoolies have become increasingly popular.
A skoolie is a school bus that has been made into a house.
If you decide to look at purchasing a skoolie of your very own you'll find there is a BIG spectrum. From empty husks that only have the seats removed and a mattress on the ground, to luxurious living quarters that have wood paneling and fully functioning bathrooms.
"Dagny" lies somewhere in the middle, leaning more towards luxury.
I came across "Dagny" a skoolie that is locally available in an ad on Casper Classifieds.
Her owner Michelle describes her as "Quirky, eclectic, rough 'round the edges, and a wee bit boho. She is also fun, dependable, competent, and changeable."
"Dagny" Quirky Converted School Bus Is Ready To Be Your New Home
Michelle points out that "Dagny" is still full of many of her own personal items, and that it would be easy for the next owner to make some tweaks here and there to turn her into the perfect mobile home.
My personal favorite touches are the bright green exterior, the fun cabinetry, and the bright cozy overall feel of the skoolie.
Would it work as a getaway vehicle for my family of 7?
But I can see loading up in it on my own and taking off for a little "mama needs a break" solo road trip.