Justin Bieber Paparazzi Case With Prosecutor, Photographer Could Be Charged Under New Law
Justin Bieber: Policy Influencer!
The paparazzi case from two weeks ago, where both The Biebs and a swarm of snappers acted dangerously and irresponsibly, exceeding speeds of 80mph on the 101 Freeway in Los Angeles, is now with prosecutors. The investigation is complete and now the city attorney of L.A. is reviewing the case to determine whether or not criminal charges will be filed against the main photographer that hounded Biebs in his tricked out, chrome Fisker Karma.
TMZ also reports that the CHP (California Highway Patrol) suggested that the lead pap be prosecuted for reckless endangerment. The site also reports that the ringleader could be the first shutterbug to face the consequences of a new California anti-paparazzi law.
The new law prohibits paparazzi from endangering people while trying to shoot photos or video. If found guilty of violating the law, said photographer could go to jail for a year.
In case you don’t recall, the pap chased The Biebs, forcing him to drive carelessly and at too-high of a speed, resulting in a ticket. If the main culprit is charged under the law, it could be a victory for celebs and Hollywood’s A-list, who are sick of having their privacy intruded upon by flashbulbs. Celebs would then need to thank Justin Bieber, since his incident with the pap spotlighted the new law and policy.
Watch the Justin Bieber + ‘N Sync Mashup Video