‘Mad Men’ Star Jon Hamm Answers Teen Girl Questions, Remains Awesome
On ‘Mad Men,’ it’s hard not to see Jon Hamm‘s Don Draper as the cool dad, the kind of father who knows when to reign in his young daughter’s use of makeup but still throw her a bone and taker her out to a fancy dinner. Is it any surprise then, that Jon Hamm himself seems right at home giving advice to teen girls, even extolling the virtues of the ever-elusive female fart? This, you’ll have to see for yourself.
Continuing their “Ask A Grown Man” video series, which previously featured Paul Rudd going on about male obsession with boobs, Rookie Mag unleashed a new impromptu video session of ‘Mad Men’ star Jon Hamm answering questions that plague young women’s social lives. Looking like he just rolled out of bed and covering everything from the myth that girls don’t poop, to fashion sense and going all the way, the below video confirms Hamm’s impossibly cool veneer in awkward situations.
Hamm has definitely been winning the internet lately, amidst all the ‘Mad Men’ fervor being shared in viral videos that feature the actor freestyling and rapping for upcoming IFC series ‘Comedy Bang Bang.’ Truly, can Hamm do no wrong?
Watch the below video in its entirety, and be sure to keep hamming it up by watching new episodes of ‘Mad Men’ Sunday nights on AMC. Aces, Jon.