santa claus

50 Cent Gives Santa Claus a Boost in Street King Commercial
50 Cent Gives Santa Claus a Boost in Street King Commercial
50 Cent Gives Santa Claus a Boost in Street King Commercial
It’s the most busiest time of the year for Santa Claus and he’s hard at work making sure all the kids will get their presents on time. But even old St. Nick can get a sluggish during the day. Enter 50 Cent. In his new animated commercial for his energy drink Street King, the rapper finds an exhausted Santa taking a rest on a city bench.
Skate With Santa!
Skate With Santa!
Skate With Santa!
More cheap things to do to entertain the little ones with over the holidays.    Our friends at the Casper Ice Arena are bringing in the big guy for the annual "Skate With Santa" on Sunday December 19th, from 1-3pm.    Only costs $4 per person to get in, and includes free skate rental.