A Wyoming soldier is on a mission to find the nurse who cared for him many years ago.
Larry Baker, from Cody, is a Vietnam Veteran. Casper resident Lindsey Stilwell from "Hunting With Heroes Wyoming" is trying to help him find the woman who nursed him through devastating injuries. They hope these photos of Larry may jog someone's memory. The following is from her post on Facebook:

"On May 1, 1968 Larry suffered from many injuries after a bomb went off in a hut he was searching in Vietnam. After being rushed to the hospital, he was told that he might never regain his sight. Among, many injuries and bandages, his eyes were bandaged for over a week or so, until the burns healed.

While the nurse removed the bandages she asked, "Where are you from Soldier?" He replied "Cody, WY" She then responded and told him she was from Casper WY!!! The bandages were removed and Larry could see.

Larry is trying to find this nurse and tell her Thank you! We do not know if this woman lived in Casper and then moved after the war, or if she still resides here in Casper. We don't know her first name, we are starting from scratch, and because this is a needle is a hay stack situation, WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!

We do know she was a surgical nurse at the 91st Evacuation Hospital in Tuy Hoe, Vietnam in the spring and summer of 1968. Please, if you know any woman that was a surgical nurse in Vietnam that lives in Casper and have any information that can help me find her let me know ASAP!"

Larry Baker is one of the speakers at the upcoming "Hunting With Heroes" banquet scheduled for April 21st in Casper, and Lindsey hopes they can locate the nurse before the event.

Lindsey says they are currently trying to find Pat Prellwitz, a nurse from Cody who was serving at the same time and she might have known the nurse they're trying to find. Ms. Prellwitz has apparently moved to Florida.

If you have any information, you can contact Lindsey Stillwell at (307) 277-6509 or message her on Facebook, or comment on this post on the K2Radio Facebook page.

Larry Baker and wife, Courtesy Larry Baker and Lindsey Stilwell via Facebook
Larry Baker and wife, Courtesy Larry Baker and Lindsey Stilwell via Facebook

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