Casperites Receiving Social Media Invites To Join The Illuminati
We all receive junk mail, get fed social media ads we don't really care about and have to ward off a myriad of unsolicited forwards. Last week though, I received a Facebook Messenger request that was weirder than any other ever! I received an open invitation to join the Illuminati.
*Look at all the punctuation and grammatical errors in the above invite*
While I'm 100% sure this is not the actual secret society, I did do some homework to see if I was the only Casperite to be blessed with this highly esteemed summons. I was not. Several of my friends had also been served an identical open invite on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Why someone would go through the trouble to create fake social media pages for a group that was founded over 200 years ago and delights in it's enigmatical status is beyond me.
Regardless, it was kind of flattering... and funny.