The City of Casper begins its annual pothole repair project on Monday and it could use some help, according to city officials.

"They do cause us problems if we leave them undealt with, and certainly they cause our driving public problems," City Manager Carter Napier said

Potholes form throughout the year and are particularly problematic in the spring because of the freeze-thaw cycle and the prevalence of water, Napier said. "All of that wreaks havoc on asphalt surface."

He asked the public to contact the city to report them, he said.

"We will get on it as soon as we can, and hopefully within the week when the pothole is reported it will be repaired," Napier said.

Shad Rodgers, the city's streets division manager, said the city has added some additional features to the city’s website to help the community and streets division coordinate pothole progress. “We will be keeping a running tally of potholes reported and filled on our website."

The streets division starts repairs after plants that produce asphalt open in the spring, he said. Repair crews will start their day handling requests then working in various areas in Casper starting in the north Casper and Riverwest/Paradise Valley areas.

To report a pothole, visit the City of Casper website, download the city's App in the app store or android marketplace, or call 235-8283.

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