Following the tragic events that occurred in Aurora, Colorado early this morning when a shooter opened fire during a midnight screening of ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ Warner Bros. has decided to pull the ‘Gangster Squad‘ trailer.

It’s not just because of the general gun violence, either. According to the LA Times, ‘Gangster Squad’ features a scene in which gangsters open fire on the audience from behind the screen at the Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood. In the sequence, audience members rush screaming toward the exits, struggling to escape.

A brief portion of that scene is in the current trailer for the film, which was — until this morning — playing in theaters across the country. A source at Warner Bros. says that the trailer is not attached to ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ and it was not viewed by the Aurora audience prior to this morning’s tragedy.

12 people were killed and another 50 injured in this morning’s incident, where a gunman opened fire at a midnight screening of ‘The Dark Knight Rises.’ This particular scene in ‘Gangster Squad’ is unfortunately ill-timed in the wake of this incident, and Warner Bros. has not commented on whether or not they will remove the scene from the film entirely, which seems unlikely given its September 7 release date.

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