It's never too early to start planning your summer vacations and if heading to Yellowstone National Park is on your families radar this year, we've found the book you need to get.

In 2019, a then 6th grader, Kieran Bignell and his dad visited Yellowstone. Kieran's dad, Rob Bignell, is a best selling hiking guidebook writer. When they visited Wyoming and the park, they took the time to document the highlights of their trip and wrote the book titled 'Kieran's Guide To Yellowstone National Park'.

The book covers some of the coolest sites to see when visiting the nations first national park.

  • The top sites to see
  • landmarks
  • Yellowstone weather
  • the wildlife you'll find
  • a plant guide
  • fun hiking trails
  • things kids will enjoy
  • the history of the park

If you're trying to plan your trip, a book like this may be what you need to convince your kids that it will be much cooler than a trip to an amusement park, water park or trip you've taken before.

Seeing the park through the eyes of a kid, will help your kids see what fun it's going to be as soon as you roll into the park.

If you've never been to Yellowstone, or it's been a while, planning a trip there is a great idea. The history, wildlife and adventure will be a vacation you and your kids will never forget.

Kieran's book is only $10 on Amazon and will surely get the kids pumped to take a ride through Wyoming and spend time in a national treasure.

If you're from Wyoming, have you ever been to Yellowstone?

We were honestly curious to hear the reasons why Wyomingites (who are naturally living only a few hours away from Yellowstone) hadn't ever visited this World Famous Park.

Funny, But Sad 1 Star Reviews Of Wyoming's Beloved Yellowstone National Park

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