Does Wyoming have the "World's Largest Outdoor Swimming Pool?"

So they claim.

Celebrate the long history of Buffalo's municipal pool, located at George Washington Memorial Park.

It's almost as old as the town of Buffalo.

It started out as a swimming hole in the late 1890s.

The pool's claim as the "world's largest" doesn't hold water. (Sorry about that joke, really).

But Wyoming's largest free outdoor swimming pool is still an expansive and inviting 393 x 262 feet (120 x 80 meters).

It began as a Civilian Conservation Corps project during the Depression.

For many years Buffalo’s city park claimed it was the largest outdoor free pool in the world.

Ah, now see how they qualify it: "Largest free outdoor pool."


The distinction of largest pool goes to the pool at the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Chile.

That sucker is more than one-half mile long, and covers 19 acres.

It holds 66 million gallons of seawater.

The one in Buffalo Wyoming is a freshwater pool and is definitely one of the largest in the United States.

It's fed by fresh water from the Bighorn Mountains.

More than 1 million gallons of water comes from the cold mountain waters of Clear Creek.

Alas, the free pool is no longer free.

The Buffalo City Council could not keep up the maintenance of the place.

They decided on a $3 admission fee.

That's not bad.

It's still free for kids under 3, seniors over 65, and veterans.

That change happened in 2021.

So far it has raised $39,000 a year in revenue for the city to keep the pool going.

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