NCTV Teacher Releases Racially Charged ‘End Game’ Radio Play
Natrona County High School Film and Broadcast teacher, Lance Madzey is no stranger to the entertainment arts. His latest opus is a creative, yet insightful view into racial issues in America.
Madzey had this to say about the production:
"End Game" was my first idea when I was thinking about producing the radio plays. After the presidential election I became concerned about the white nationalism being touted around the country. Then I saw local folks start flying confederate flags on their trucks. Very concerning to say the very least. I had a discussion with one person about this topic and he told me he is a "3 percenter." So much tribalism going on out there right now. If tribalism doesn't end us as a species pretty sure that technology will. Those kinds of ideas always find their way into what I'm writing.
End Game is the third play in Madzey's Beyond Radio series and stars the voice talents of Michael Champion (Total Recall, Star Trek, The Incredible Hulk), Zach Schneider, Shawn "DJ Nyke" Jackson, Jason Niedbalski, Rhiannon Skye Mclean, Bob Price and Trevor T. Trujillo.
The play has original music scored by Christopher Otto and also features an original Hip-Hop song performed by DJ Nyke and Eric "Addiction" Hanson, the latter of whom was a previous student of Madzey.
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