Online dating has become THE way to find your match these days. Some states are much safer than others when it comes to finding the perfect partner.
Luckily, Wyoming ranks 6th on the list as one of the safest states for online dating with Vermont leading the way at number one. Why you ask does the Cowboy state get such a high score, because Wyoming boasts low violent crime rates, as well as low STD rates.
Where should you not look for that perfect match, Washington DC and believe it or not our friends to the north in Alaska.


What Are the 10 Safest States for Online Dating?



3.New Hampshire




7.West Virginia



10.New Jersey


What Are the 10 Most Dangerous States for Online Dating?

  1. Washington, DC
  2. Alaska
  3. Louisiana
  4. New Mexico
  5. Nevada
  6. South Carolina
  7. Arkansas
  8. Tennessee
  9. North Carolina
  10. Alabama

If you'd like to know where your state ranked, check out the map provided below.

dating map


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