They should’ve known when they asked Patricia ‘Tan Mom’ Krentcil to do a show called “Hot Mess” that things were going to get crazy. Krencil clearly took the name of the show to heart, and got kicked out of her own roast for being so drunk that she couldn’t even sit through a drag queen variety show. 

Tan Mom wasn’t doing herself any favors — she was so inebriated that she fell down on the red carpet before the show even started at the XL Cabaret in Manhattan. Bianca del Rio, one of the hosts of the event told the New York Post “we came up with a code word earlier. It was ‘Christmas.’ After about five minutes, we were just screaming ‘Christmas,’ and security came and took her out.” It is a bit of an exaggeration, as (sort of NSFW) video posted to YouTube shows that Krentcil managed to (barely) maintain her composure for at least seven minutes and 50 seconds.

The sold out audience may have been disappointed when Krentcil got the boot, but they were probably blissfully relieved — judging from the pictures, it was a cringeworthy evening for all.

We’ll spare you the horror of watching the YouTube video (unless you really want to) by giving you some pics of her night out on the town, that pretty much sum the whole awful thing up.

Tan Mom Rises
Tan Mom Fall
Tan Mom Dance
Tan Mom Mic
Tan Mom Toast

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