Arnold Schwarzenegger Goes Undercover as The Terminator, Freaks People Out
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s return to the movies after his stint as governor of California has been filled with ups and downs, good films and bad. But one thing has remained consistent – the living legend has started showcasing a savvy online presence and a self-aware sense of humor that has re-endeared him to the digital world. Now, he’s combined all of that into a YouTube video that, while it exists solely to promote a charity, is more entertaining than any of the Terminator Genisys trailers so far.
We hope that a feature-length version of this little video will eventually surface. Schwarzenegger, dressed in full Terminator clothing and make-up, hits the streets of Los Angeles. He interacts with fans using classic lines. He confronts an impostor posing for photos with tourists. He swaps places with his own figure at a wax museum and scares the bejeezus out of hapless visitors. He actually tells a truck driver to “Get out” and the guy totally complies. Most importantly, we actually get to hear the Austrian Oak speak the words “Do not bump my selfie stick.”
The video, although silly and wildly entertaining, is an effective ploy to drive fans over to an Omaze page. There, you can donate $10 to benefit the After-School All-Stars program and be entered in a contest that will find one lucky winner accompanying Schwarzenegger to the Terminator Genisys premiere. And yes, he knows exactly what his fans want and promises to exchange his most famous quotes with whoever wins. It’s simultaneously shameless and charming – if anyone other than Schwarzenegger tried this, it may look desperate. He makes it look like a ton of fun.
Terminator Genisys hits theaters on July 1, 2015.
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