Benefit Concert for 6-Year Old Casper Boy at Elks Lodge on Saturday
"It was literally about 15 seconds," said Max's father. "He was in the bathroom, I turned around to grab pajamas for his sister, and it had happened."
Last April, a 5-year-old boy in Casper was playing with a lighter when suddenly he caught on fire.
He suffered burns to 30% of his body.
Thereafter Max Capellas went to Swedish Medical Care in Aurora, Colorado for the next month.
For a while he did not have full use of his arms due to the scar banding from skin grafts.
"Max is a resilient little boy, if you've ever met him you know he's full of energy, life, and he's happy. he has such a great attitude about it."
Less than a year later, Max now has a full range of motion in his arms and hands and he can do pretty much what any other six-year-old can, said his dad.
For such a young kid, he's been through a lot. So far he's had about a dozen procedures.
Max's dad, Brennan Capellas, said that they anticipate several more surgeries in the future for skin expansion.
As Max grows, the scar tissue on his body will not, causing severe headaches and challenges with movement and bone growth.
"I really never knew the extent of medical bills that could possibly happen and at any time. For any parent to undergo. It's a lot" said Capellas.
Max is now going to have procedures done in Pasadena, CA, at Shriner's Hospital.
"It's going to be expensive, but it's necessary and something he [Max] deserves" said his dad.
Capellas said that when he's around fifteen or sixteen, Max should have very little to no scarring.
The Capellas are willing to do whatever it takes to get their son the medical care he needs and deserves, but the grand total when it's all said and done will come close to a million dollars.
In the beginning, they didn't know what to do or where to turn when their lives changed so suddenly.
And now they're using ingenuity, creativity and thinking outside-the-box to help ease the financial strain of hospital bills.
This Saturday, Feb. 18, there is going to be a benefit concert called Good Vibes for Max.
It's going to be held at the Elks Lodge in Casper. Doors open at 7 p.m. for all ages.
It features four bands: The Avengers, Auburn Green, Slow the Sunset, and the closer --Brennan Capellas' band--Eazy Side.
There will be food provided, a bounce house and games for the kids.
"It was something both my wife and I wanted to do for a long time, and we're finally at a point where procedures have slowed up, and Casper's such a great place for local talent in the music department and so many different people wanted to donate their talent and help with the show."
In situations as stressful and emotionally draining as this one, a lot of families would struggle, but for the Capellas, it's brought them closer together.
Their 18-year-old daughter started a GoFundMe for her little brother and so far has raised over $3,000.
"All the kids have really chipped in, my teenage boys have kicked in and helped spread the word" said Capellas.
You can hear the full conversation on the Report to Wyoming podcast.