Bowl For Jason’s Friends on Saturday March 7th-Sign Your Team Up Today!
Bowlers! It's time to start gathering your teams for the Bowl for Jason's Friends annual fundraiser held in Casper. This fun family event brings together over 1000 bowlers annually, to raise money for Wyoming families with children battling cancer.The 'Bowl for Jason's Friends' event is the foundations primary fundraiser each year. The goal is to beat last year's fundraiser dollars, while providing a fun day of bowling for the volunteer bowlers. Your active participation, by being part of a bowling team and collecting donations, will help to provide assistance for Wyoming families with children who are fighting brain or spinal cord tumors and other childhood cancers. This is a non-smoking event.
The 2015 Bowl for Jason's Friends Foundation fundraiser will be held on Saturday, March 7th at the El Mark-O Lanes, 2800 CY Avenue, Casper, WY. Grab a few friends and family and come participate!
Form a bowling team consisting of five (5) bowlers with one designated as the team captain. Once you have your bowling team complete, call the office at (307) 235-3421 to reserve your preferred bowling time. The sooner you call, the better chance to obtain your first choice bowling time. Team members may be of any age, so bring the whole family. Each bowler collects donations prior to the team's designated bowling time. Since this is a fundraiser, we are asking each bowler to collect a minimum of $75 in donations. This earns the bowler a free t-shirt for the event. Those who excel in fundraising and the collection of donations have the opportunity to be in competition for either the adult prize packages category or the youth (17 or under) prize packages category. These are fabulous prize packages and well worth your efforts to collect donations. The top winner of each category gets first choice of a prize package and so on. For every $75 in donations you collect, you will receive a drawing ticket and the opportunity to win a prize. Additionally, there are prizes given out during every bowling shift throughout the event. The bowling and shoe rentals are free. There is also free food and beverages during the event for all participants to enjoy.
Packets may be picked up at any First Interstate Bank, at any Hilltop National Bank, at El Mark-O Lanes or at our office. Forms may be downloaded from our website, just attach a large envelope to the Individual Donation sheet for collection of the donations. With your team members decided, complete the Team Information Sheet and return it quickly to Jason's Friends via fax at (307) 265-4668, mail or hand deliver to 340 West B Street, Suite 101, Casper, WY 82601 or electronically by filling out the form online to register and RESERVE YOUR TIME. The team captain will be notified of the designated bowling time assigned. Until notification from Jason's Friends, the team bowling time is not confirmed. Team captains should distribute the Individual Donation Packets to bowling team members as soon as possible in order to get started immediately gathering donations.
Team captains will receive a team packet containing Team Captain Instructions, a Team Information Sheet, and five Individual Donation Packets.
Click here for Team Registration Instructions
Click here to setup an Online Fundraising Site for your Team
On our fundraiser event day, the team needs to come to El Mark-O Lanes at 2800 CY Avenue, Casper, WY 82604 at least 20 minutes prior to your assigned bowling time to check-in, turn in your donation envelopes, receive your event t-shirt and door prize drawing tickets and get shoes and lane assignments.
COLLECT ALL YOUR DONATIONS AND BRING THEM WITH YOU TO THE EVENT. There will be no follow-up billings for collection of donations. Only donations turned in at check-in, for the bowler's assigned bowling shift, will count toward the prize packages competition. Late bowler donations will be considered general donation dollars. At your bowling time your team will bowl as many games as possible within your team's allotted bowling time of one hour and fifteen minutes.
If you physically are unable to participate in the bowling part of our event, but want to collect donations for this great cause, you can be a Phantom Bowler. Please pick up an individual team member packet from our office at 340 West B Street, Suite 101, Casper, WY 82601 or download the donation sheet from our website and attach it to a large envelope. Your donations will still need to be turned in the day of the event at the El Mark-O Lanes. Phantom Bowlers are eligible to participate in all other aspects of this fun event, including the incentive prize packages competition.
If you have any questions, call Jason's Friends Foundation at 235-3421.