Casper Jackalope Jump Happens This Saturday at Restoration Church
Casper’s version of the 2021 Jackalope Jump will take place this Saturday, March 20 at Restoration Church.
According to a press release from Special Olympics Wyoming, this year’s Jackalope Jump will take place at Restoration Church in Casper, but there will also be a Virtual Jackalope Jump event “for those that understand the crucial need for fundraising at this time but are not able to physically participate” in the live events.

For many years, the Jackalope Jump has been one of Special Olympics Wyoming’s signature events, as it challenged brave Wyomingites to jump into freezing cold waters in the dead of winter (which, this year especially, is a special form of torture).
The concept is simple: volunteers take as many donations, and raise as much money, as they possibly can from those who want to see them reenact the sad part from Titanic. On their specific day (or, in this case, any day they feel like filming themselves), the volunteer then jumps into a lake of dense water and deep regret, all to show support for the Special Olympics of Wyoming.
“The Jackalope Jumps, however, are so much more than that,” the press release read. “They’re the kind of fun and inspiring events that you really have to experience to understand. You can dunk, soak, dip, or splash, as long as you’re IN cold water! Stay safe, have fun and be creative! Each jump is its own personalized event as they are planned and organized locally by SOWY volunteers.”
Volunteers are encouraged to dress up, form teams, and blast it all over social media.
All funds that are raised go to support programming and events for over 1,800 athletes statewide.
The release notes that all jumpers that raise a minimum of $100 will receive a Jackalope Jump t-shirt and towel, in addition to the pride that comes with surviving something that Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate WInslett could not.
Restoration Church is located at 411 S. Walsh. Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. and the Jump will begin at 10:30 a.m.
Register at www.sowy.org/
Special Olympics Wyoming is a non-profit organization providing year-round sports training, athletic competition and other related programs to children and adults with intellectual disabilities; offering them continuing opportunities to realize their potential, develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage and experience joy and friendship. Special Olympics Wyoming changes lives by encouraging and empowering people with intellectual disabilities, promoting acceptance for all, and fostering communities of understanding and respect.
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