Internet Claims Wyoming More Stressed than Colorado – NOPE
The internet is claiming that people in Wyoming are more stressed than the citizens of Colorado. The internet is wrong and I'll prove it.
Before I go off explain my position, look at the map that the kind folks at Wallet Hub just shared. This is part of their most and least stressed states for 2019.
In case you can't tell by looking, the higher the number your state is on this chart, the less stressed you are. According to them, Wyoming is #31 and Colorado is #38. Like I said, they're saying we're more stressed than our Colorado brothers and sisters.
Now, let me tell you why they're wrong. Before I do that, look at Wallet Hub's reasons. They have a fairly complicated methodology that includes work-related, health, financial and family-related stress. That's all fine and dandy, but the reason they're wrong isn't hard to figure out.
What stresses you out? For me, it's having a lot of people around. If you just base stress on that, Wyoming beats Colorado by a country mile. According to World Population Review, Colorado has 55 people per square mile. How many people does Wyoming have per square mile? Give yourself a cookie if you said 6. That's right. SIX PEOPLE PER SQUARE MILE IN STRESS-FREE WYOMING.
Wallet Hub is smart about a lot of things, but when it comes to stress they got it completely wrong. Now, relax and go outside and smile when you don't have a zillion people to deal with.
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