The eighth grade Advanced Engineering class at the CY Middle School won the state contest for Samsung's Solve for Tomorrow Challenge, according to a memo from the Natrona County School District's Superintendent to the District's board of trustees.

While separate from this award, Midwest School received a grant, too.

At CY Middle School, students in Christy Rodger's class received a pack of technology products worth $12,000 for their "Kid"Netic Energy project.

The students designed and built floor tiles that capture and store energy for Green and Renewable Energy goals.

The class will make a video to accept the prize and explain their project to the national selecting committee.

Rodgers and Principal Amy Rose will direct the award.

The Midwest School received an IEEE Pre-University STEM -- Science, Technology, Engineering, Math -- grant for $498.50.

Kevin Koile, Townsquare Media
Kevin Koile, Townsquare Media

The money will pay for supplies for robotics classes and the after-school FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics Program.

Teacher and robotics coach Ronni Mull and Principal Matt Korkow will direct the funds.

Evansville Police Department Share Trail Cam Shots

While investigating an issue down by Veteran's Bridge, Evansville PD set up a trail cam to catch the wildlife in town. Check it out!

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