I completely understand that Comedy Central's 'Night of Too Many stars' hasn't aired yet, but here's a clip I had to share. Jodi DiPiazza is a girl who was diagnosed with autism, which is what the Night of Too Many Stars brings awareness to. Here she is singing 'Firework' with Katy Perry.

This hits home to me because I have a son with autism so I'll be watching on TV and I'll make my donation and, no doubt, I'll probably sympathize with the other parents they speak to on the show and I'll probably do my fair share of crying, as well like I did during this clip.

To help give people with autism the chance they deserve to reach their potential go to http://cc.com/donate or text STARS to 50555 to donate $10. Night of Too Many Stars airs Sunday, October 21 at 8/7c on Comedy Central.

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