Haunted Wyoming

The Haunted History of F.E. Warren Air Force Base
The Haunted History of F.E. Warren Air Force Base
The Haunted History of F.E. Warren Air Force Base
There have been hundreds of reported ghost sightings in Wyoming. But no other place in the Cowboy State can match the haunted history of F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne. Unexplained and mysterious events have been occurring there since the late 1860s, when Fort D...
Is There a Racist Ghost in Yoder, Wyoming?
Is There a Racist Ghost in Yoder, Wyoming?
Is There a Racist Ghost in Yoder, Wyoming?
If it's published online, it must be true, right? According to one unconfirmed eyewitness account posted to Ghosts of America, a "racist ghost" haunts the tiny town of Yoder, Wyoming. The story, which was submitted by an anonymous author, claims the ghost lives in the "old meat packing plant" next to the post office...
Most Haunted WYO Schools
Most Haunted WYO Schools
Most Haunted WYO Schools
There are dozens of haunted places here in Wyoming. Some of the most terrifying ghosts in the state roam the hallways of our public schools. Here's our completely unofficial and totally subjective list of Wyoming's five most haunted schools buildings...
Haunted Wyoming: The Wonder Bar in Casper
Haunted Wyoming: The Wonder Bar in Casper
Haunted Wyoming: The Wonder Bar in Casper
As we gear up for Halloween this weekend, here's another one of Wyoming's most haunted places, the Wonder Bar in Casper. This historic watering hole dates back to 1934 and claims to have served a variety of famous guests including John Wayne and Ernest Hemingway...
Is Cheyenne’s “Wyoming Home” Store Haunted?
Is Cheyenne’s “Wyoming Home” Store Haunted?
Is Cheyenne’s “Wyoming Home” Store Haunted?
Just in time for Halloween, here's another one of Wyoming's most haunted places. Before Sue Miller and her husband opened Wyoming Home in 1998, the historic building on 216 West Lincolnway in downtown Cheyenne housed the Federal Magistrate Office in the 1880's and later became Union Pacific Hotel...
Haunted Wyoming: The Natrona County High School Ghost
Haunted Wyoming: The Natrona County High School Ghost
Haunted Wyoming: The Natrona County High School Ghost
As we creep up on Halloween, here's another spooky tale about one of Wyoming's most haunted places, the Natrona County High School Auditorium in Casper. Legend has it, back in the 1940's, a girl fell to her death in the auditorium. According to one account, she had forgotten her bag after auditioning for a play...
Haunted Wyoming: The Ivy House Inn in Casper
Haunted Wyoming: The Ivy House Inn in Casper
Haunted Wyoming: The Ivy House Inn in Casper
As we 'creep' up on Halloween, here's another one of Wyoming's most haunted places, the Ivy House Inn in Casper. Legend has it, this historic home is now haunted by the cranky ghost of its former owner and her cats. The house was built in 1916 by the White family, who later added two large porches in the 1940's...
Haunted Wyoming: The Underground Tunnels of Cheyenne
Haunted Wyoming: The Underground Tunnels of Cheyenne
Haunted Wyoming: The Underground Tunnels of Cheyenne
As we prepare for Halloween, here's another one of Wyoming's most haunted places, the underground tunnels of Cheyenne. When the railroad first came to Cheyenne in the late 1800's, a series of underground tunnels were built connecting the Depot to several buildings downtown...

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