50 States Ranked by Their Contribution to American Music – Find Out Where Montana Ranks
Shh. Quiet. Let me just bask in the serene moment of when our state is remembered for something other than sheep and patchy cell phone service.
According to Dave Bry at The Awl, this is a list of the states that offer the most music that puts our nation on the map. While its unclear how exactly this list was derived, it is safe to not argue about why Minnesota earns the top spot. I mean, after all, Prince lives there. Prince. Seriously. No contest.
But where does Montana land? Curious to find out? Take a peek at the list below.
50. Vermont
49. Colorado
48. Alaska
47. Connecticut
46. South Dakota
45. North Dakota
44. Utah
43. Maine
42. Wyoming
41. Iowa
40. Wisconsin
39. Rhode Island
38. New Mexico
37. Idaho
36. Delaware
35. Montana
34. New Hampshire
33. West Virginia
32. Nebraska
31. Nevada
30. Arizona
29. Hawaii
28. South Carolina
27. Oklahoma
26. Maryland
25. Kansas
24. Arkansas
23. Oregon
22. North Carolina
21. Indiana
20. Pennsylvania
19. Massachusetts
18. Kentucky
17. Florida
16. Virginia
15. Washington
14. Missouri
13. Illinois
12. Ohio
11. Alabama
10. Texas
9. New Jersey
8. California
7. Michigan
6. Tennessee
5. New York
4. Georgia
3. Louisiana
2. Mississippi
1. Minnesota
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