Casper Tweets More About Beer, Less About Church
There's no questioning that Casper, Wyoming LOVES its beer, but is our insatiable desire for the malted frosty goodness overtaking the desire to share our religious beliefs?
According to this recent analysis, it seems so...
By digging into hundreds of geo-targeted tweets in our region we've been able to unearth some interesting patterns hidden within 140 characters or less concerning our passion of the Pabst over the passion of the Christ.
A website known as Vox analyzed tweets sent out on Sundays in the Casper area between the weeks of June 22nd-June 29th of 2012...and it appears that more status updates about beer were posted FAR more than tweets about church.
In comparison, some God-fearing areas in America (according to Twitter) mostly include the South, like Dallas, Texas which had almost double the tweets about God, church, sermons or pastors than beer, kegs, homebrews, and ale.