Being called a loudmouth is often seen as an insult.

But, now my fellow loudmouth women and I can rejoice.

According to a study by The North American Menopause Society self-silencing (or keeping yourself from expressing your true emotions and feelings) leads to heart disease and a higher risk of stroke and heart attack.

I can definitely relate to this. When I'm trying to hold back my feelings I can almost feel my blood pressure rising.

The site takes the research one step further, explaining that loud women will live longer because they are expressing their emotions (both positive and negative) rather than keeping them locked inside.

Those who [outwardly expressed their emotions] more often registered as having better health than those who didn’t. They also experienced the psychological benefits of preventing the repression of these emotional states.

It makes perfect sense to me.

After all, who among us doesn't feel better after a good cry, or after an honest conversation with a loved one?

I know a loud laugh or telling a hilarious story makes me feel great as well.

There are, of course, healthy ways to express your emotions...and not so healthy ways.

Coming unglued and screaming unintelligibly at your loved one isn't going to be helpful or productive.

Forcing yourself into being the center of attention and taking over the room to tell your funny story can be damaging to friendships and the feelings of others.

Instead, when you're feeling yourself shoving down your emotions take a moment to breathe deeply, gather your thoughts, and then share your real feelings in a respectful but honest way.

Or, when you want to share that embarrassing but entertaining tale about what happened to you, take a moment to read the room and make sure it's an appropriate time.

Ladies, be loud and proud and live longer, but make sure you're being thoughtful too.

What's the point of living to 100 if you don't have anyone you love to spend all that time with?

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