‘Pop in the Shop’ Ministry Helps Casper Boys & More!
Pop in the Shop is a new local ministry that repairs and rebuilds unwanted cars and gives them to those that can't provide for themselves. In addition, they also help keep young boys off the street by teaching them a trade. Below is a more detailed description of what Pop in the Shop is all about from the words of it's founder, Jerry Knight.
"Pop in the Shop is a Christ based Mentorship Program designed to mentor fatherless young men, age 7-17 in the automotive field. We are sponsored by Highland Park Community Church in Casper, WY. We work with these young men side by side to teach them the basics of being a mechanic and in doing so, keep them off the streets where they are tempted to join gangs, use drugs, commit crimes or spray graffiti all over. Statics prove most men in jail came from a fatherless home.
Our Mission is to rekindle and establish the spirit of young men who have been abandoned by their fathers, mentoring them one-on-one in life skills through automotive repair (auto reconstruction and automotive basics) and by sharing a Christian understanding of our Heavenly Father's Love and sacrifice for His children.
Pop in the Shop is currently looking for donated vehicles, working or not. Any donations are fully tax deductible and they are more then willing to pick up vehicles that aren't running. This is a great way to get rid of old junkers and help someone in the process. If you would like to donate a car or truck, please e-mail Jerry at jerry@popintheshop.com.