Raise your hand if your favorite foods feel personally victimized by those across the pond...

I don't know about you, but I pretty much grew up on Pop-Tarts. These were easy-to-grab breakfasts, snacks or just something to curb a sweet craving. And how can you deny that cinnamon-brown sugar flavor?! I think I ate Pop-Tarts as a snack before most of my volleyball, basketball and softball games because they were easy to eat and wouldn't upset my stomach.

Apparently, they're pretty disgusting.

Well, that's according to the Europeans. A new museum in Sweden has opened up showcasing the disgusting foods across the globe and Pop-Tarts made the list for the good ol' USA. The Disgusting Food Museum features fermented herring from Sweden, maggot-infested cheese from Sardinia, and stinky fruit from Thailand, but they want to come for our toaster pastries?

And they didn't stop there.

Here are the American foods Sweden's museum says are disgusting:

Spam (not arguing too much)
Root Beer (they say it tastes like toothpaste)
Jell-O salad with pasta in it (huh?)
Rocky Mountain Oysters (if you don't know, don't ask)

Are any of these foods on your favorites list?

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