Native American Art Exhibit Featuring Great Plains Artists Coming to Casper
ArtSpirit, the arts initiative of the Episcopal Church in Wyoming, has partnered with CARAVAN, a global arts nonprofit, to create art exhibitions that start in Wyoming and continue to move outward and onward across the United States and into other countries.
They are bringing an exhibition called GROUNDED: Restoring Our World Through a Sacred Harmony with the Earth and Each Other.
There are 30 pieces of artwork, each artist submitted 2 pieces.

Robert Martinez is the curator of the collection; he is from the Wind River reservation.
The collection will be available for viewing at the Nicolaysen Art Museum on January 14th.
The NIC is hosting a reception on the 21st that is open to the public, starting at 5:30 p.m.
It's an immersive event that is so much more than just artwork. It's about a sacred harmony between the earth and humans and how people can connect and learn from Native American culture and traditions.
"At this moment in time our world is calling for restoration from within and without. For a realignment of a sacred harmony and an awareness of a new balance between ourselves and the earth and all of life upon it. Grounded is an exhibition of creative expressions, nurturing that sacred connection towards groundedness and more intentional and responsible living" shared Osburn.
"We'll have a teepee set up in the center of the art exhibition, recorded interviews will be playing, there's a lot happening."
There will be native food and a drumming circle.
It is kid-friendly and FREE.
Osburn said she has seen the artwork and it's beautiful. It is for sale.
100% goes to the artists themselves, none of the venues are taking a percentage.
The artwork will be taken down March 16, then goes on a Wyoming tour, and then outward--it goes to Washington D.C. and England, then the Middle East.