Many Love Wyoming’s Longmire, Did You See The Show’s Plot Holes?
Before Walt Longmire ever showed up on TV, he was entertaining the world as the featured character in New York Times bestselling author Craig Johnson's line of novels where Longmire was featured. To date, Johnson has 17 novels completed and one on the way, featuring the adventures of Walt. This September, 'Hell And Back' will be released.
If you're a fan of books that have been made into TV shows or Movies, you know Hollywood will make some changes that irritate the fan of the books. You ALWAYS hear the argument, 'it wasn't like that in the book' or 'in the book, that's not what the character looked like'. Arguments like that are what show the passion that fans have for the series.
Sometimes a shows writers of the show get into a bit of a pickle when certain plot lines for a show that they won't be able to get everything correct. Thus leaving holes in the plot and even the widely popular show 'Longmire' had some things that left fans scratching their heads and giggling at the same time.
If you watched from the beginning, you know the show had some rough times. Wildfires threatened filming and the show was cancelled after just three seasons before being saved and heading to Netflix. With all the issues, it seemed the shows creative staff had problems holding together storylines too.
Obviously every show has issues and is nowhere close to being perfect, but because Longmire was (and still is) a HUGE fan favorite, some of the snafus may have been missed.
Flixified is a YouTube page that goes through and highlights interesting details from TV shows and movies. They went through and found plot holes and storylines that just don't make sense on the show AND highlighted some of the funnier moments from Walt and the gang.
After watching these videos and hearing they're arguments, it's a good reason for you to go back and watch the series. You could even read the books and make a list of questions that you could take to Longmire Days which happens August 18-22 this summer.
Some of the plot lines and mistakes that are highlighted are:
- Walt seems to have issues with his guns
- Spelling mistakes
- Gun laws that aren't likely in Wyoming
- Ice cream issues
- Walt's paranoia
- Really dead, dead people?
Check out these videos, then see if you recognize any of the show mistakes.
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