Wyoming 1st Annual Sheep Festival Just Weeks Away
Wyoming is known for coal, gas, oil, and cattle.
Sheep herding has been as much of a part of Wyoming's legacy as cattle.
As we reach the end of June sheep ranchers will gather at Kemmerer for the first annual Sheep & Wool Fest.
The 3-day festival will celebrate the industry and all that sheep and wool contribute.
“One of the most common things that people tell me when I tell them what I do for a living is, ‘There can't be that many sheep in the country because we never see them.’” said Alison Crane, executive director for the Wyoming Wool Growers Association (WWGA), a primary sponsor of the festival. “And it's one of the really common things that people say, even if they're from Wyoming, [but] are disconnected from the sheep industry because you don't really see sheep from the road like you see cattle.” (WPM).
Wyoming continues to be one of the top sheep and wool producers in North America.
A sheep trail tour will allow folks to follow sheepherders as they move their flocks to the Bridger Teton National Forest for the summer.
From there it's educational talks, street dances, and several meals serving lamb.
“You do not have to be a member of Wool Growers to participate in the event,” said Crane. “And in fact, if you're not a member, we really encourage you to come and just see some of the stuff that Wool Growers does.” (WPM).
In 2024 the festival will be held in Thermopolis.
In 2025, it will be held in Buffalo.