5 Things “NOT” To Eat On A Casper First Date
You only get one chance to make a good first impression. With that in mind, here is a comprehensive list of foods you probably shouldn't eat on a first date.
Keep in mind, this is just my personal list, but if 20+ years of dating has taught me anything, it's plan ahead!
Also, it's a good practice to ask your date about things like food allergies and gluten sensitivity prior to picking a restaurant or even preparing a meal yourself.
*Disclaimer: I am lactose intolerant, so you may notice a recurring theme*
- 1
Ice Cream
Although delicious and a great dessert, for those lactose intolerant folk (like myself), this tasty treat can potentially turn you into a flatulent beast... or worse!
Just to be safe, leave it alone.
- 2
Hot Wings
I personally love hot wings and finding a girl that also loves them is a match made in chicken heaven, but considering the general messiness of eating them, I wouldn't advise it for first date food, especially if they're bone-in!
Also, the ensuing heartburn and vinegar-tinged breath isn't worth it.
- 3
Chilli (or anything with beans)
To reiterate points from #1 and #2, messy and gassy.
Moving right along.
- 4
This is such a hard one for me. I love Italian cuisine and literally anything with some form of Alfredo sauce is my favorite, but again... lactose intolerant. The heavy cream and cheese used to make it is a big no-no.
Don't roll the dice with your digestive system. You'll lose every time.
- 5
There is a little bit of wiggle room here. Mexican cuisine is almost always a good choice (because for real, who doesn't like tacos?), but be aware toppings and extras.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but too much cheese, sour cream and beans... well, you get the gist.