Casper-Natrona County Arrest Log (7/1/20-7/6/20)
Below is a list of people who have recently been arrested and booked into the Natrona County Detention Center. This list is compiled from logs released to media by the Natrona County Sheriff's Office.
This log may not reflect all arrests for this time period. For example, police will not release any information about juvenile arrests. State law prohibits any official from identifying a person accused of a sex crime until the defendant is arraigned in district court.
Everyone listed here is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The charges listed here are what the arresting agency has recommended to the Natrona County District Attorney's Office. However, formal charges filed by prosecutors may differ from the recommended charges listed here.
Here is the list of arrested people and their charges as reflected in the logs:
- Bradley Allgeier -- failure to comply
- Ryan Bennet -- contract hold/billing
- David Brambila -- interference, interference with 911 call, domestic battery, strangulation of a household member, breach of peace
- Dillon Brown -- serve jail time
- Michael Brown -- failure to comply
- Zachary Bryan -- auto insurance violation, registration violation, interference, methamphetamine possession
- Quinton Case -- contract hold/billing
- Gina Chavis -- public intoxication prohibited
- Daniel Closs -- public intoxication prohibited
- Jason Cook -- driving while under the influence, leaving the scene of an accident
- Bryan Dunihoo -- serve jail time
- Edward Foster -- insurance violation, motor vehicle registration, speed zone violation, failure to appear, driving while under the influence, driving while license suspended
- Russell Frerichs -- public intoxication prohibited
- John Gilbert -- methamphetamine possession
- Cody Giles -- public intoxication prohibited
- Tiffani Graham -- failure to appear
- Daniel Harris -- public intoxication
- Johnathan Harris -- district court bench warrant, resisting arrest
- William Harrison -- methamphetamine possession, driving while under the influence, auto insurance violation
- Eric Hendrickson -- public intoxication prohibited
- Charles Hereford -- driving while under the influence, driving while under suspension
- Jared Huston -- courtesy hold
- James Lennon -- driving while under the influence, lane violation, maintain insurance
- Steve Lockard -- failure to comply, interference, methamphetamine possession, county warrant, district court bench warrant, criminal warrant, failure to comply
- Brinden Longest -- failure to appear, failure to comply
- James Luce -- driving while license suspended
- Erick Lutnes -- criminal trespass
- Joseph Manning -- county park rule violation
- Stacy McKenzie -- methamphetamine possession, controlled substance possession
- Lucas Nelson -- criminal warrant
- Peyton Owens -- failure to comply
- Danny Pickett -- failure to comply
- Echo Pollock -- failure to appear
- Jovan Presbury -- failure to appear x4
- Donald Ramsour -- failure to comply
- Dana Reed -- boating under the influence, careless driving, safety equipment required, interference
- Kevin Ridl -- failure to comply
- Olen Robinson -- public intoxication prohibited
- Edward Rogers -- driving while under the influence, open container in vehicle, controlled substance possession
- Trinity Rowland -- county warrant/hold for agency
- Carlos Salazar -- criminal warrant
- Amanda Smith -- driving while under the influence
- Donald Smith -- public intoxication prohibited
- Francisco Sosa -- failure to appear
- John Thellmann -- trespassing
- William Topaum -- public intoxication prohibited
- Dakota Venard -- driving while under the influence
- Ronald Warner, Jr. -- boating under the influence, reckless driving, boating rules and regulations, safety equipment required
- Amanda Wilson -- aggravated assault
- Joshua Winkworth -- failure to appear