With the recent delisting of Grizzly Bears from the endangered species list, some hunters are hoping to get an opportunity to this predator in their sights!

Grizzly Bears have long been more than a nuisance problem for ranchers trying to make a living near Yellowstone National Park.  The bears have a long history of coming out of the park (where they are protected) to search for easy meals that can often be found in near by livestock herds. Ranchers had few options available to them outside of notifying U.S. Fish and Wildlife authorities for help.

But thanks to the recent delisting, much like in the case of wolves, many ranchers and hunters alike are waiting and hoping for an opportunity to bag one of these massive predators.  Even members of the National Rifle Association (NRA) have expressed concern over public safety and are calling for trophy hunts to be opened up in the interest of controlling these large carnivores.

But we are curious as to your thoughts on the subject?  Should US Fish and Wildlife allow trophy hunts to help manage the bear population?  Would you like to hunt a Grizzly Bear in Wyoming?  Take our poll below and let us know your opinion.

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